Periuțele electrice de dinți mai rar vin cu un suport pentru cap, în timp ce într-o familie, veți vedea adesea mai multe capete folosite cu un singur corp. Mulți oameni se confruntă cu o problemă comună, ceea ce duce la o varietate de soluții, după cum puteți vedea pe Thingiverse (200 la 800 de proiecte sunt legate de acest lucru). Iată primul răspuns și cum să îl proiectăm.
This tutorial will take you through the steps needed to model the part shown in the image below using basic tools from the Part Design Workbench (many of the tools and capabilities are not covered).
First idea : a plate
First idea : a plate
From the start-page, select Part Design, or create a new document and select the Part Design workbench.
Create a sketch
Click on New sketch. Either from the contextual task menu at the left, or the toolbar above or from the Part Design menu at the top.
A dialog prompts you to choose the sketch orientation and provide an offset.
We will pick the XY Plane as shown in the image above (that orientation correspond to the common build plate of most 3D printers), then click OK.
You now are facing the XY plane from above, and have access to the drawing tools.
Press ESC or click the right mouse button to stop using the tool.
You now have a floating rectangle of unspecified dimensions.
Click on a line of the rectangle, you now have access to the constraint tools at the right of the toolbar (depending of the size of your screen you may need to drag them to the left in order to see them all)
You now have a totally constrained sketch, as you are told by the solver on the left and the change of color. It is a good practice to always have a totally constrained sketch.
An under-constrained sketch can leave room for unwanted change, if you modify something later on.
On the opposite, an over-constrained sketch is also not good. In that case the solver warn you of redundant constraints and you should remove some of them.
To leave the sketch, click either on the "Close" button on the left, or the icon in the toolbar, or press ESC.
You now only see the square, and the contextual task menu on the left show you more options than before.
Create a pad
Click on Axonometric among the standard views, to better see what will happen.
Click on Pad.
Enter 4mm and click OK.
Your sketch is now in volume!
Create a sketch on it
Select the upper face
The color of the face change and you have more options in the contextual task menu.
Click on New sketch. As a face was selected it will not ask you to choose a plane.
Click on Circle, click to place the center, move the pointer and click to define the radius.
Draw 4 circles on the pad (of any size)
Press ESC or click the right mouse button to stop using the tool.
We need to add material at the base of the cylinders to make them less prone to snap. Because of the printing orientation these small surfaces will be fragile at the junction with the base.
Select the face under the base, add a Chamfer of 0,5mm.
The first layer of plastic is often being squashed a little too much, this will compensate that and save you time in cleaning the model. If the first layer is ok that will make it only nicer
Select the edges at the border of the upper face (holding CTRL ).
Add a Chamfer of 1mm. This one is only aesthetic.
Export as a .STL
In the Combo View on the left, select the tree view instead of the contextual task menu, click on the last feature (the chamfer).
Now you can select "Export..." from the File menu at the top left, and select the file format .STL.
Just print it :-)
The above model make a good starting point to use FreeCAD, but as a toothbrush head stand it have its flaws : due to the print orientation and small surface the sticks are prone to break.
Inspired by the variety of solutions other people came up with, we will make this second version which will be much better.
Don't worry it is often needed to go through several revision for an idea (e.g. : once the prototype on the picture was used, we added more space between the heads so that they should not touch).
In this second part you will also learn to use more tools, like the powerful Linear repetition.
Second idea : a band
Create a new document and select the Part Design workbench.